Selecting the right Augmented Reality Device for Your Organization

AR Devices

Proper selection of an augmented reality device can be critical in project success. Successful introductions of industrial augmented reality occur when organizations have a successful combination of domain know-how, hardware, and the right enterprise AR software. From elevating complicated manufacturing workflows to amplifying sales and marketing collateral, there are a wide range of applicable augmented reality devices available that can help your brand stand out.

Augmented Reality Device Considerations

Use Cases and Applications

Different use cases require various device requirements. So your first step should be to recognize where AR can produce the most value for your organization. Is it in manufacturing, field service, or sales and marketing?

The cost, usability, product roadmap, and technological platforms vary for each AR device, so it’s important think about the company’s budget, safety constraints, and future AR objectives before making a hardware decision.

Head-mounted vs. Hand-held

Head-mounted displays (HMDs) like the Microsoft HoloLens provide personnel with an in-depth hands-free experience. As a matter of fact, Transform interactive has used head-mounted displays in many of our mixed reality solutions. However, a wearable device may not be the best option for solving your specific business challenge. Consider the following about your environment type that your intended users will be in.

  • Will they be in a dangerous live work area where their vision and safety might be compromised by 3D overlays hampering their field of view?
  • Will they be wearing personal protective wear, such as a hard helmet or safety glasses, when viewing the AR equipment?
  • Or will they be in a less hazardous situation such as a marketing event or an off-site training facility, where the safety risk is lessened?

On the other hand, tablets and mobile phones are an easy and gainful way to get started with AR, but handheld devices are limiting, as users’ hands are needed to hold the device while simultaneously performing a required task.

  • Would your end users benefit from flawless voice-controlled access to detailed work instructions?
  • Or is superimposing additional product information onto a physical object or space enough to complete the job?

The answers to these queries are dependent on what your business roadblocks are and your strategy to solve them using AR.

Compatibility with AR Software


Vuforia Chalk ARSmart glasses, headsets and other AR devices can teach additional skills to your workforce and enhance your physical products with digital content. More importantly though, you need a business AR platform that enables your subject matter specialists to effectively generate creative AR experiences. Choosing a device that’s compatible with your AR platform lets you utilize unique hardware features, such as voice command and eye tracking abilities, that have been built into the software.

Hardware that will run on any platform, like PTC’s Vuforia, give content developers the ability to use devices they already have, or experiment with new devices of their choice, while maximizing exclusive device characteristics. This means that if you want to switch from your initial hardware investment, you won’t have to completely start over when creating content.

Selecting an Augmented Reality Device that Pairs with PTC Vuforia

Vuforia AR devices


ABI Research named PTC Vuforia a key leader in a recent competitive assessment of enterprise AR platforms for its “breadth and depth of support for multiple form factors (monocular smart glasses, binocular smart glasses, mobile, etc.) and Operating Systems (e.g., Android, iOS, Windows, etc.)”

Discover why PTC Vuforia pairs well with devices like the Microsoft HoloLens, RealWear HMT-1, and Vuzix M300 Smart Glasses.

Working with Transform Interactive

Transform Interactive is a PTC partner, providing AR solutions that include Vuforia industrial AR products and associated devices. When we work on a solution, we strive to make sure to select the proper device to match the business challenge that needs to be solved. If you want to learn more about how we can help you with AR solution platforms for workplace training, simulation, IIoT or sales and marketing, please contact us.