Test your Digital Knowledge

How well do you know your digital solutions and immersive technology? Test your knowledge below!

The world is going digital, it’s never too late to become familiar with the new ways of business. Immersive Technology allows for better training and sales experiences, as well as new connections with people from all across the globe like never before.

Feel free to check out a refresher of the 3 most popular forms of immersive technology by using the links below before you start!

Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual Reality (VR)

Mixed Reality (MR)

Below we’ll show you 10 images and/or a descriptive phrase that matches one of the three top immersive technologies, answers can be found at the bottom of the page. Let’s see how many you can get right!

1.This technology requires a special immersive headset and handheld technology that transports the user into an entirely digital environment.

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

2. Below is this technology being used to develop a prototype.

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

3. Below is an example of this technology.

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

4. This technology uses devices as simple as a handheld smartphone to overlay digital images onto a physical environment where both can be seen simultaneously.

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

5. Below is a person engaging with this technology in the workplace.

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

6. This technology requires a special immersive headset that transports the user into an environment where digital objects are overlayed onto their physical environment, allowing both digital aspects and real-world aspects to be engaged with an merged simultaneously.

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

7. Pokemon GO is a form of which technology?

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

8. This technology is commonly used in training and educational practices to offer users the chance to practice difficult or dangerous scenarios without the risk of real-world consequences. ex. surgery, complex machinery, delicate operations

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

9. This technology is commonly used by those selling physical products, like furniture or larger equipment, to allow the user to see what the object will look like in their space using any device with a camera.

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

10. We at Transform Interactive offer solutions using this technology for all purposes in any industry.

A) Augmented Reality

B) Virtual Reality

C) Mixed Reality

D) All of the above



  1. B – Virtual Reality
  2. C – Mixed Reality
  3. A – Augmented Reality
  4. A – Augmented Reality
  5. B – Virtual Reality
  6. C – Mixed Reality
  7. A – Augmented Reality
  8. B – Virtual Reality
  9. A – Augmented Reality
  10. D – All of the above


How did you do? If you scored anything under 100%, we can help. Our team specializes in the latest and greatest in digital solutions, and we’re here to educate and uncover the best digital solution for you and your team, all while providing unmatched support and troubleshooting.

Contact Us when you’re ready to step into the digital age!