Empower your bots and applications with empathy and contextual understanding…
When delivering specialized services, it is difficult to achieve a broader human understanding of what users may ask of your solution, let alone achieve an emotional connection. Surprise your clients with the kind of empathy they deserve. kama as a Service (KaaS) makes this possible by layering in personal, non-judgemental and humanlike virtual assistant support on top of the special-purpose bot, app, or functions you are delivering.
Using KaaS, integrated with your special purpose bot or app, kama.ai’s Designed Experiential Intelligence® platform (kama DEI) acts as a third-party failover service to your application. When your application doesn’t understand a broad or tangentially related statement, it calls kama DEI through the KaaS API. Then, kama DEI’s value-driven interaction and ethnographic and/or contextual understanding comes in. Its knowledge base and design helps maintain a feeling of human contact, and it understand broader contexts to get the conversation back on track. Once it identifies an intention that your bot or app is designed for, it hands the conversation back to your bot to complete its function.
The result is a seamless emotionally and contextually rich experience for the user, allowing you as a service provider to work on adding the particular value and functions that you wish to bring your customer base.
Grow Your Business With kama.ai
With kama DEI
✔ Design
Create Personas with the key product, service, corporate, social, and ethical values mapped to individual customers and historical data sources. Design empathetic and trusted interactions.
✔ Experiential
Live, natural, automated interactions with either text or voice assistants. Your SMEs design and curate conversations to deliver accurate, governed, and truthful information to improve customer experiences and conversation flows
✔ Intelligence
Conversation logs give SMEs or marketers insight into evolving personal client journeys. This insight allows you to improve your customer journeys and overall experience. Service interactions are easily adapted and grown without costly and specialized resources with our human-in-the-loop rapid training method.

Without kama DEI
Design 𐄂
Inference created from historical big data sources and model training or tree-structure AI designs. Personalization limited due to the simplicity of data models or decision tree approaches.
Experiential 𐄂
Responses are limited and accuracy to customer inquiries may be questionable. Interaction often proves to be shallow, frustrating, and lacking empathy.
Intelligence 𐄂
Learning requires large data sets that may not always be available. Model training can consume many resources, increasing project costs and slowing time-to-market for improving customer experiences.
Speak to an Expert
Call 1-855-824-4716 or fill out our web form to have an expert contact you.