Homeworld and Cinema Director at Unity Unite 2015

For the past couple of years we have been working closely with Blackbird Interactive and Gearbox, maker and publisher of the Homeworld prequel, Homeworld: Shipbreakers. Due to the sensitive nature of the project, we have had to stay very quiet about our collaboration with BBI and this project that they have been working on.
At Unity Unite 2015, BBI did a fantastic presentation of their procedural camera system that they had developed for Unity, called “Cinemachine”, which they demonstrate in the video below.
To control all of the complex sequencing and events involving this system, they contacted us directly, and chose to use Cinema Director software back when we were still in beta development. Their input has been invaluable during our development of Cinema Director to help implement tools and features that every game developer needs that we may have overlooked, or had taken an improper approach on. Working with our community and our customers is the most important part of our development process, as many of the ideas in our road-map comes from you!
Gearbox and BBI have been very quiet about showing how work on the new game was going, and many weren’t even sure that the project was still moving forward. Well, let us assure you that we’ve seen some footage of the game, and it looks fantastic and very true to the original Homeworld series, with an interesting twist.
Many media outlets are showing their presentation at Unity Unite 2015, to give a sneak preview of some of the features of Homeworld, and how they developed the game. Skip ahead to around the 25 minute mark, to see how they used Cinema Director to control all of their cutscenes and sequences as well!
Thank you so much for the shout-out at Unity Unite guys! Can’t wait until the game is released, we will be the first in line to play this epic next game in the series!